Your Church Can Partner With Us

Because we do not accept federal or state funds, we rely on the generosity of individuals, churches, and businesses to continue our ministry. We welcome the opportunity to partner with your church, synagogue, small group, or other organization.

Partnership Ideas

There are many ways you could partner with us. Here are a few ideas:

  • Speaking Opportunities
    A member of our staff would love the opportunity to speak to your congregation about our ministry.
  • Mention in Your Church Bulletin
    Mention Life Light Pregnancy Help Center to encourage volunteers or donations in your Sunday Bulletin.
  • Host a Baby Shower
    Your women’s group or others could host a baby shower for our clients. To make it easy, we have several items on our Amazon Wish list, or consider donating baby blankets, quilts, Christian books, or gift cards to places like Taco Bell and Subway. We also have a Flourish shelf for mothers to choose lotions, candles, toiletries, etc.
  • Ministry Fairs
    We would love to be represented if your church or organization hosts a fair.
  • Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
    Every third Sunday in January is designated as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. It is the perfect day to present Life Light Pregnancy Help Center.
  • A Diaper Drive
    Diapers are one of the most expensive necessities a single mother or struggling family needs. Choose a Sunday and invite your congregation to bring a pack of diapers for our center.
  • Youth Ministry or Small Group Service Project
    We rely heavily on volunteers who donate their time and abilities. Consider Life Light if your organization or group wishes to serve.
  • Sponsor Our Annual Country Auction
    Every October, we host our largest annual fundraiser, the Country Auction. Have your church or organization participate.
  • Prayer
    Please include the ministry of Life Light in your regular prayer time.

If you want more information about our ministry or a tour of our center, please call (530) 222-5200 or email us at



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